Legal form
Doorn en Keizer B.V. is a limited liability company, established in Amsterdam.

General terms and conditions
Doorn en Keizer B.V. applies general terms and conditions, which you can download here.

Doorn en Keizer B.V.
Piet Heinkade 55
1019 GM Amsterdam +31 (0)88 7304600

Chamber of Commerce
Doorn en Keizer B.V. is registered at the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce Amsterdam under the number

VAT number
VAT number: NL853472464B01.

Dutch Bar Association
The lawyers of Doorn en Keizer B.V. are registered at the Dutch Bar Association. The contact details of the Dutch Bar Association are:
Neuhuyskade 94
2596 XM Den Haag 070 – 335 35 35

Further, the Rules of Professional Conduct, the Legal Profession Regulations, the Scheme for the Legal Profession are applicable to Doorn en Keizer B.V. For more information about the Dutch Bar Association and the afore-mentioned rules, please visit their website:

Professional liability
Doorn en Keizer B.V. has a professional liability insurance.

If and to the extent that for whatever reason no payment is made under Doorn en Keizer B.V.’s professional liability insurance in connection with a contractual or extra-contractual liability of Doorn en Keizer B.V. for loss or damage arising from or related to any shortcomings in the execution of assignments, each and any liability will be limited to an amount equaling three times the amount that Doorn en Keizer B.V. has invoiced in that case concerned in the relevant year exclusive of turnover tax with a maximum of EUR 25,000, in words twenty-five thousand Euros.

In principle, the professional liability insurance has a worldwide coverage, but the liability limiation can differ per region. The insurer is AON Risk Solutions and its address details are:
AON Risk Solutions
Postbus 12250
1100 AG Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paalbergweg 2-4
1105 AG Amsterdam, The Netherlands

More information with respect to this insurance, the conditions thereof can differ from time to time, is available for our clients.

Complaints procedure
In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with our provision of services or with our invoice, we kindly request you to submit your complaint to the lawyer in question or to our complaint officer ( This complaint will be handeled with in accordance with the office complaints procedure.


At Doorn and Keizer we have several specialists, who are there to support you in all things employment law related.